With the Senate passing the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, it is apparent that there is a collective vision of redefining and modernizing our built environment. There is a call to action on how we adapt to meet the needs of future generations. We are reeling with the long-term domino effects of urban sprawl. Socioeconomic inequality, poor building design, limited reliable public transportation, and a decline in public health has brought us to a tipping point. We must prepare to revitalize our cities, retrofit our existing buildings with energy-efficient measures, and reconstruct our transportation networks.

Cleaning Up Our Existing Buildings

The existing building sector is responsible for 29% of GHG emissions, with 40% coming from inefficient HVAC systems. If buildings in Los Angeles are expected to reach net-zero carbon by 2050 as a part of the C40 pledge, there needs to be immediate action. Building systems – electrical, lighting, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning must be retrofitted to the highest energy efficiency standards. Or better yet – break the ceiling on them.

Government subsidies and utility incentive programs need to be more accessible to building owners so they can invest in on-site power generation for their buildings, such as solar PV and batteries. We can then contribute clean energy to our outdated electrical grid and create the demand for green jobs. While we have the innovative technologies that can support such a system, there also needs to be innovative policy reform that will build these self-sufficient power systems to be scaled to the neighborhood level.

Another upgrade that building owners and citizens benefit from is the installation of a cool roof, which reflects sunlight and absorbs less heat than traditional asphalt shingles. Urban heat islands caused by non-reflective material can cause the ambient temperatures to be artificially elevated by more than 10 degrees in our cities. Dense concentrations of pavement from streets, parking lots, and roofs absorb direct heat, thereby increasing the HVAC usage and exacerbating air pollution, contributing to the poor air quality present in high-density urban areas.

Access For All

Cities thrive when they are made of well-connected neighborhoods, with reliable transit, safe bike paths, and sidewalks made for the pedestrian.

In addition to constructing sustainable buildings, we need to construct smart buildings. Buildings integrated into their surrounding streets through mixed-use design, incorporate a balanced mix of institutional uses that stimulate local economies and increase the use of public services.

There needs to be a push for creating smart circulation networks within cities and neighborhoods that incentivizes walking, biking, and public transportation. This can only be accomplished if it is less challenging to alter zoning ordinances, urban growth boundaries, and rate of growth controls. Through smart growth planning, we can adapt to our changing environment and effectively prepare for a growing population. Transportation is a primary culprit in the progression of climate change. It accounts for 29%of all greenhouse gases in the United States, and it is also one of the fastest-growing emission sectors. Leapfrog development patterns make driving even short distances necessary, due to the extensive lengths of blocks, architectural design of shopping centers, and the extensive parking requirements required to support vehicles.

One of the most powerful statements I have heard is “frequency = freedom”. The frequency of a reliable bus, light rail, subway, gives its citizens the freedom to go where they want and at whatever time they need to. It is both unsustainable and unrealistic to expect equality in a city where every citizen needs their own automobile to get to their next destination.

Becoming a Pioneer of Change

It is vital that we construct an equitable environment for all, and create space for opportunity, growth, and city-wide resiliency. It is our responsibility to meet the needs of future generations and be the leaders of innovative strategies that respond to our climate crisis. Buildings are the foundation of cities. They are a place where people work, create, and collaborate to make the impactful decisions that design our future environment. We need existing and future building owners to take responsibility for their building’s carbon footprint and be held accountable to make responsible decisions in their building operations.

How do we galvanize a community to be the pioneers of an environmentally equitable city through decarbonization and smart growth planning? We need to make citizens and building owners aware of how crucial buildings are in reversing climate change, cleaning our air, and the potential economic savings that come from a carbon-neutral building. Cities do this by working directly with building owners, engaging in public outreach, and being educators.

Mandy Reinhart, LEED AP Neighborhood Development, Fitwel Ambassador, has earned her BS in Environmental Sciences with a Minor in Sustainability. She is passionate about urban planning and studying neighborhood design. As Assistant Project Manager at Green EconoME, Mandy can be found working with clients out in the field, moving their efficiency goals forward.

Los Angeles Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency Ordinance (EBEWE): Phase II – What to Expect

If your building is a covered building and ≥20,000 sq. ft. (a.k.a. needs to comply with EBEWE), then you should have a few years of ENERGY STAR benchmarking under your belt. If not, stop reading and call us immediately at (424) 422–9696! In addition to your annual benchmarking, every five years you are required to show that you have either maintained a high-performing building or are taking steps to become one. Our job is to keep you informed, efficient and in compliance. Your job, when it comes to Phase II, is to make sure you have an efficiency budget in place and enough time to comply by your unique due date.

Below, we’ve outlined the program and Phase II compliance. We’ve also included an infographic for you visual learners, and some tips to comply:

EBEWE Program Summary

Local Policy: Los Angeles’ Green New Deal

Phase I Benchmarking Report: Due by June 1, annually

Phase II Performance Report: Due by December 1, every five-years based on the last digit of your LADBS Building ID

Program Fees: LADBS registration fee + surcharge for benchmarking is $66.41 / building / year, and $183 per audit/RCx confirmation submittal (subject to change)

The EBEWE Phase II Requirements

For Phase II, Building owners must either complete an ASHRAE Level II audit and retro-commissioning (RCx) OR meet one of the exemptions noted below before their compliance due date, which is determined by the last digit of the building’s LADBS Building ID.


Prescriptive Path

a) ASHRAE Level II Audit
The in-depth identification and documentation of a building’s energy and water-use equipment. Audits examine existing conditions to pinpoint potential areas of improvement for energy and water efficiency. Must meet or exceed ASHRAE Level II standards.

b) Retro-commissioning (RCx)
RCx is the re-tuning and maintenance of existing systems (energy and water). Your ASHRAE Level II audit will list recommended RCx measures. It will be important to have an implementation plan and budget in place prior to your due date.

Performance Path

Buildings that do not have to go through an Energy Audit and Retro-commissioning qualify for one of the following exemptions:

  1. ENERGY STAR Certification: The building has received this certification from the EPA for the year of the building’s compliance due date, or 2 of the 3 years prior.
  2. For buildings not eligible to receive an ENERGY STAR score, the building must perform 25% better than the national median of similar building types. This data is available through your benchmarking reporting.
  3. The building has reduced its Source Energy Use Intensity (EUI) by 15% when compared to the five years before a building’s compliance due date.
  4. Buildings that do not have a central cooling system must retrofit four of six prescribed energy efficiency measures noted in the EBEWE guidelines (available upon request).

Water Exemption to the Audit and Retro-commissioning:

Buildings that meet one of the below exemptions do not have to go through a Water Audit and RCx:

  1. The building has reduced its water use intensity by at least 20% when compared to the five years prior to the building’s compliance due date.
  2. Buildings that do not have a central cooling system must retrofit two of three prescribed water efficiency measures noted in the EBEWE guidelines (available upon request).
  3. The building’s water use conforms to the LA Municipal and Title 24 Code in effect at any time during the five-year compliance cycle.
  4. The building is new and has been occupied for less than five years from its occupancy date based on the Temporary or final Certificate of Occupancy.

*All exemptions must be certified by, or performed under the supervision of, a California licensed architect or engineer.

Know the Facts: Compliance Tips

  • Don’t be fooled into believing your building MUST receive an audit to comply. Not all buildings need to be audited. The price of an ASHRAE Level II audit can be significantly higher than available exemptions, so make sure you are being advised on the most efficient and cost-effective Phase II path to compliance for your building(s).
  • Performance metrics rely on twelve months of actual energy usage and information about the operations and physical characteristics of the building’s type and use. If this information is estimated or defaulted in your benchmarking report, the metrics will not be correct. Make sure your building has been accurately benchmarked.
  • As you see, this isn’t something that can be done quickly, or for free. If you need more information on creating a budget or financing options, call us.
  • Cities throughout the state (and country for that matter), also have local energy efficiency policy. If you have buildings outside of LA, make sure you are in compliance by checking our 2021 Guide.

As part of Green EconoME’s compliance services, we offer a consultation on the report’s results, which includes an explanation and recommendations for energy efficiency improvements and how to meet EBEWE Phase II compliance. We will always make recommendations in the best interest of your building, budget and efficiency priorities.

Contact Green EconoME to meet your compliance requirements.

How much energy am I saving or wasting? How much more can I save on energy costs? Why is the AC kicking on at 3 am every weekday and how can I fix that? If you are a building owner or operator these are questions that no doubt plague you.

In our blog about energy modeling, we explore the predictive nature of modeling and the importance of good design in HVAC systems. Here, we will talk about the importance of monitoring the ongoing use of those systems. By utilizing energy monitoring equipment, you can see in real-time how those systems are performing, and get clear answers to these questions that may keep you up at night…or at least working overtime.

What is energy monitoring

Energy monitoring tracks and records consumption patterns in building(s) via an energy monitoring system (EMS). An energy monitoring system is equipment and software that integrates with your building’s utility provider(s), gathers consumption data, analyzes it, and then provides useful information directly to your desktop, laptop, and mobile devices. Information such as real-time alerts, how much energy the building is using, and how it is used throughout the day. Energy monitoring delivers enhanced control and efficiency, meter by meter.

Connecting energy monitoring in buildings

Connecting an EMS is fairly straight forward. The data is gathered by connecting the energy monitoring equipment to meters or sub-meters on-site for each resource you chose to monitor (electricity, water, gas, solar, energy storage). The best systems offer flexibility to connect and are hardware agnostic, assuring ease of adoption with what you already have in place, and adaptation to future changes and upgrades you may make.

There is a wide variety of energy monitoring systems on the market. Green EconoME works with Energy360 by Intech Energy, a cloud-based energy monitoring system that uses next-generation sensors and wireless building controls, providing real-time monitoring and remote equipment management. The advanced technology of the Energy360 system makes it easy to install and less invasive as earlier equipment. The advantage of being cloud-based is not only mobility, but advanced data analytics. The ability to capture and store, read, and analyze your big data empowers you to make changes toward significant savings. 

So now that you have your EMS equipment connected, the fun can begin! As the end-user, you have a host of robust functions and controls at your fingertips. EMS remote access dashboards deliver analytics that can be viewed as granularly or high level as desired. Three key features include:

Real-Time Monitoring – Receive notifications to uncover problems and anomalies. Visualize your consumption with detailed comparisons, graphs, charts, and maps.

Control Strategies & Automation – Set up and control your equipment remotely. Manage whole building and zone/meter schedules to optimize occupant comfort and demand.

Energy Forecasting – Customize reports to identify energy savings, building performance, and forecast future efficiency or RCx projects.

Why monitoring your energy use is important

There are a multitude of positive reasons to monitor the energy and/or water used in your building. Let me put it this way, it is way more enjoyable to view your utility bills and be surprised by how much you are saving, versus how much you are spending. Think of all the ways you benefit from identifying a problem early, rather than after you have overused and overspent. Below is a list of the benefits we can think of. I bet you will find even more when you consider your specific needs and application. If you do, please call us!

Lower Energy/Water Costs – Save on HVAC, lighting, water use, and expense. This is usually the heart of any efficiency strategy. Energy monitoring allows you to see actual efficacy and identify areas of improvement, thereby informing further strategies.

Improve Tenant Comfort – Fix heating and cooling complaints. This will not only lead to happier, healthier occupants but also happier, healthier operators. 

Increase Facility Value – Higher Net Operating Income. “Smart buildings” show on average, 13% savings. When operating costs are several hundred thousand dollars, this is a significant amount back into your NOI.  

Reduce Equipment Maintenance – Optimize operation and life cycle of systems. The effects of this can go beyond general maintenance to identifying the cause of a serious malfunction, mitigating emergency situations.

Peak kW Management – Lower utility charges by managing and responding to peak kW demand. Peak shaving is a proven and growing strategy to reduce TOU charges and avoid overuse during peak hours. 

Energy monitoring in action

Green EconoME utilizes energy monitoring as a powerful tool in identifying and measuring client energy and water use. We have implemented our solution into a variety of multi-faceted retrofit projects and each has realized significant savings throughout. Combining energy monitoring with a suite of efficiency measures, Warner View Center, which was an LABBC 2020 Innovation Awards, Energy Efficiency Project of the Year Nominee, reduced electricity and gas usage by over 50%, translating into savings of nearly $1 per SqFt., and projected savings of over $100,000 annually in operating expenses. Although that is comprehensive of multiple efficiency measures, Energy360 EMS is the nerve center and is being used by Green EconoME and the building management to this day, to track and monitor use. It acts as insurance and preserves the value of the investments. 

New efficiency products and technologies emerge at a rapid pace. Energy monitoring has been used widely  and continues to stand the test of time. Now more than ever, efficiency and sustainability planning are critical. Demand is going up due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, in many cases taking reduction efforts in the wrong direction. You can listen to an enlightening conversation with our CEO, Marika Erdely, and our partners at Intech Energy about how you can use energy monitoring as an integral part of your efficiency plan and operations. Please contact us to learn more, schedule a demo, or to receive a free quote. 

If you could have a crystal ball to see into the future use, efficiency, and valuation of your property and investments, would you use it? It certainly would mitigate much of the risk and uncertainty in decision making. Well, you do have a crystal ball of sorts – in building energy modeling, or BEM. When used early in new construction or existing building retrofit design, energy modeling is an effective, low-cost way of predicting the energy consumption and performance of your building’s systems. 

What is Building Energy Modeling (BEM)?

Used largely by mechanical engineers and architects, building energy modeling is a physics-based, multipurpose software used to simulate a building and its energy use. 

Without going into the nitty-gritty, an energy modeling program uses inputs about the building, like geometry, construction materials, and system configurations. Then it takes descriptions of the building’s use and operations (actual and/or estimated) and combines input data with information about local weather and other related metrics. From here, physics equations can be used to calculate such things as thermal loads (system design), system responses (to said loads), resulting energy use, and cost.

Why is energy modeling important?

How do all these calculations translate into decision making? In essence, the value of energy based models is the visual representation of accurate, predictive data. Aka, you can play around virtually with different types of HVAC systems and see which one will work best for your specific building. When looking into each system you can discover how long it will last (life-cycle), and compare your spending and saving (cost-savings analysis). Think of being fitted for running shoes. A specialist can identify the intricacies of your foot and observe pressure points and weight distribution. Then they can recommend the best shoe based on their knowledge and your budget. What you get for this service is the proper fit for your stride, less wear to the shoe, and injury prevention, keeping you running longer.

Here are three main components BEM addresses:

Design – HVAC systems come in a complex array of sizes and components. BEM helps engineers understand and identify the proper system scale to meet the thermal load of the building. Additionally, modeling can help design control strategies. In other words, make sure the shoe fits. These key components all lead to the efficiency of the system and meet the needs of operating the building.

Cost – BEM helps decision-makers discern between up-front construction costs and operational energy costs, thereby reducing both, ideally. Factoring data and available incentives, modeling programs can also provide clear payback periods and net values. 

Codes and Standards – Collective analysis of energy models across building stock, can help utilities, municipalities and large scale organizations like the US Department of Energy develop energy efficiency programs and building codes.

The role of BEM in energy consumption and utility bills

At the property level, as outlined above, when BEM is used in the design phase of a construction or retrofit project you can implement not only an efficiently designed HVAC system but a robust, state of the art system. Next-gen modeling is helping building operations link multiple platforms for precise control and real-time consumption data, alerts, etc., leaving few surprises as far as their building’s usage. The effect is lower, predictable utility bills. Knowing what to expect out of your monthly and annual OpEx has a positive impact on annual budgeting. 

Bigger picture, energy based models are used in code compliance, green certification, and financial incentives. Additionally, the data collected from these models help inform large scale energy efficiency programs and standards. The spirit of these codes and standards is to improve the performance and reduce consumption of building stock across utility service areas, and across the country. 

Where the rubber hits the road

The US DOE Building Technologies Office (BTO), is leading the charge state-side, in the development and implementation of emerging technologies in building energy modeling. BEM experts are well-versed in these programs, along with the full suite of available software. None of it matters; however if they are not put to use as part of the design process. A 2017 USGBC article cites that approximately 20% of new construction projects are using BEM. The crystal ball shows – building energy modeling is a powerful tool toward efficiency and savings. It also shows that when used, emission reductions across the country are headed in the right direction. So lace up those running shoes and get to work. Call Green EconoME to inquire about our engineering and energy modeling services.

“The increased risk of catastrophic wildfires poses an immediate threat to communities and properties throughout the state…[The state’s] electrical corporations must invest in hardening of the state’s electrical infrastructure and vegetation management to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires.” Kevin Payne, Southern California Edison president and chief CEO, addressed head-on in his General Rate Case testimony the primary issue facing his company and other investor-owned utilities (IOUs) across the American West. Wildfires are an ongoing crisis, and energy companies are feeling the heat. SCE is next up for revenue increase approval by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and their request is in the billions. Although this does mean monthly rate increases to customers, it also signals something larger: the need for end-users to become part of the solution.

The General Rate Case

General Rate Cases (GRCs), are proceedings made by utility companies to the Public Utilities Commission to address the costs of operating and maintaining the utility system and the distribution of those costs among customer groups. Cases are made every three to four years. Although all providers are required to do this, the three largest IOUs bear the most significant impact. In California, San Diego Gas & Electric and Pacific Gas & Electric have already submitted their applications for changes beginning in 2019 and 2020. SCE is in the final phase and approval is expected in early 2021.

The cost of power

SCE’s request represents a $1.295 billion, or 20.1% revenue increase in 2021. Increases for 2022 and 2023 are $366.5 and $534.2 million respectively. Although percentages vary across customer groups, this translates to approximately two cents more, per kWh in 2021. PG&E and SDG&E were not too far behind. PG&E asked for a $1.058 billion or 12.4% revenue hike for 2020. Rolling in third was SDG&E at a combined $2.199 billion revenue requirement, or an 11% increase over four years beginning in 2019.

What is it for?

The key reasons for SCE’s proposed increase are stated as:

  1. Reducing the risk of wildfires to keep the electric grid safe for the public and for SCE workers
  2. Reinforcing grid reliability and grid resiliency in case of emergency
  3. Improving customer service and communication, integrating distributed energy resources, and offering customers more choices to meet their needs

Top of the list, SCE is asking for more funding to help bolster wildfire prevention, risk monitoring, and emergency response. They will do this by adding new and enhanced safety measures like HD cameras and weather stations to detect ignitions. They will increase vegetation management, by continually removing potential fuel like branches and hazardous trees from power lines. They will perform system hardening or fixing bare wires to increase resilience and help further reduce wildfire risk.

Next, is SCE’s plan to upgrade technology and infrastructure to further grid safety, and modernization. Among other things, this means SCE still struggles to keep the power on. Urged by California’s clean energy reform, SCE continues to prioritize and invest in clean energy generation from customers connected to the grid. Stated as part of this, is integrating into the grid Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Edison describes DERs as, “small scale local resources, often installed at a customer’s home or business, [that] can help meet California’s greenhouse gas reduction goals, help customers reduce electricity use and support grid reliability.” Their robust programs and incentives provide compelling opportunities to building owners throughout California.

The case for clean and efficient energy

If you have already implemented or are considering self-generation like solar, and energy storage, here are some of the programs in place. Net Energy Metering, provides billing credits for surplus energy you “sell back” to the grid. Solar Power on Warehouse Rooftops program, is exactly what it sounds like. Providing your warehouse rooftop(s) as a sort of solar farm, for which you will both use the power and get paid for the surplus kWh. SOMAH is a community program for multi-family low-income housing, which offsets tenant cost and implements cleaner renewable energy. SGIP and green energy strategies are programs that provide clean energy solutions and help finance the cost of installation. These are only some of the opportunities to make self-generation easier to light up and quicker to pay back. 

Outside of self-generation, energy efficiency has always been a proven path to reducing your use and cost while qualifying for incentives. For example, enrolling in an energy solutions incentive program like Demand Response, or Express Solutions, may not only offset future rate increases to your site, but qualify you for further discounts, financing, or credits. The best part is that you chose the efficiency modalities that best suit your needs. For effective retrofit measures, visit our Energy Efficiency Retrofits page. Green EconoME’s work at Warner View Center spotlights the impact of integrating newer technologies and self-generation at a single site.  

Fires rage on across the western United States, holding up what seems to be a promise for climate change. If we do nothing, more extreme weather conditions and events will be our fearsome reality. The multi-faceted issue which is met with even more refracting opinions does hold one fact to be true. Wildfires come at an enormous expense and are taxing an aging infrastructure. If this isn’t the tipping point of real change in our behaviors and long-term investments into solutions, how will we be paying for it in GRC cycles to come? 

Visit the CPUC website to read the complete SCE application or to submit public comment. When you are ready to explore energy efficiency or self-generation options for your property, please contact us.

UVC. The humble workhorse of building system maintenance and a Green EconoME recommended measure, is currently in the spotlight as one of the more compelling solutions to killing the novel coronavirus. Although it has hit the mainstream as a light wand that promises to disinfect your groceries, we need to take a deeper dive into how UVC works and shine the light on its true potential: an effective and efficient strategy to mitigating the transmission of COVID-19 inside our buildings. Especially as scientific research is showing further evidence of how the coronavirus can be spread via aerosols, buildings need to have solutions to keep their occupants safe. 

What are UVC lights? How do they work?

Ultraviolet light, aka. sunshine can be divided into three sub-bands (UVA, UVB, UVC), based on wavelength. UVC radiation possesses disinfecting properties, therefore UVC lamps, or germicidal lamps are used to disinfect air, water, and nonporous surfaces. Their ability to degrade organic material is well established in both research and application (ASHRAE, Science, GSA, CDC).

UVC light works by destroying the exterior protein membrane of organic material, like breaking an egg. Doing this “deactivates”, or basically kills the pathogen. This form of radiation is proven to deactivate varied coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV which is in the same family as COVID-19. 

So, will UVC light kill the coronavirus in my buildings

Yes, when used properly. Early studies are showing promising results. As with all scientific research surrounding COVID-19, new data is emerging daily. An August 19th release from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states, “UVC radiation may also be effective in inactivating [the virus] that causes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, currently, there is limited published data about the wavelength, dose, and duration of UVC radiation required to inactivate the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” Leading data shows 254 nanometers to be the goldilocks wavelength in eliminating COVID-19 from certain materials like N-95 masks or a room, but dose and duration are still being tested. 

Yes, but is it safe?

Unfortunately, misconceptions or little understanding are still barriers to adopting UVC. It is true, having appropriate guidelines in place around mitigating the coronavirus is vital to using UVC safely. Yet, ultraviolet light has widely been used for decades, and at its core, it is safe. The two main issues are making sure your UVC system properly inactivates the virus, and of course human exposure. 254nm is dangerous to eyes and skin and direct exposure should be avoided. These types of systems should always be handled by trained professionals. Lower radiation used in wands and lamps available to the mass market may be safer to use by hand; however, consumers should be cautious about product claims and continue to use recommended cleaning measures to ensure surfaces are fully sanitized.


HVAC and Air Handling Units

UVC lights have been a favored maintenance and efficiency tool in building operations for decades. When placed downstream of air filters and above drain pans on your HVAC/handling units, the UVC light disinfects cooling coils keeping it free of microbes (mold, dirt, grime), that produce odor, reduce airflow and cooling capacity. Besides the obvious benefits of cleaning the equipment and air, the effect is a better ventilated, healthier indoor environment. This leads to increased occupant comfort and reduces the spread of infection and absenteeism. Additionally, this lower-cost measure can extend the life and efficiency of your equipment. A Pacific Gas & Electric study showed that a dirty condenser coil can increase compressor energy consumption by 30%.

Infectious Disease Control

As discussed above, UVC for ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) is an effective tool in reducing the transmission of disease. Its uses are wide across many settings. In government facilities, UVC is used among other things, for bio-terror control (the stuff sci-fi movies are made of!). It is also used in hospitals and schools to supplement the control of contaminants like tuberculosis and staphylococcus. Across multiple studies, when combined with fans/ventilation, close to 90% of the bacteria irradiated were inactivated. 

The case for UVC lighting

Green EconoME is responding to the high demand of UVC systems, due to the urgency and guidelines for buildings to reopen. In addition to fighting off coronavirus, UVC lighting is a sound energy efficiency measure. It extends the life of your HVAC/AHU equipment, is chemical free and qualifies for LEED points in the energy and sustainability category. UVC lighting is known for its ease to install and maintain and has a low cost of ownership. To learn about Green EconoME’s UVC offering, contact us today.

It’s never too late to get Energy Star Certified! Irvin Grant, a 101 year-old Building Owner in LA recently ENERGY STAR Certified his building with the help of Green EconoME. Irvin built Brentwood Terrace Condominiums, located at 825 S. Gretna Green Way, in the 1960s with his sister. Its eye-catching rounded front has made this building a landmark in the Brentwood neighborhood. 

ENERGY STAR is the government-backed, energy efficiency ranking system. For eligible buildings, the tool calculates an ENERGY STAR score on a scale from 1 to 100.  For a building to be labeled “ENERGY STAR” certified, it must score a 75 or above. Studies find that ENERGY STAR certified buildings command a sales price and rental rate premium of up to 16%.

Irvin’s building received a score of 93, determined by the Benchmarking Report that Green EconoME generated for the building to be in compliance with Los Angeles’ Existing Buildings Energy & Water Efficiency (EBEWE) Ordinance. With Green EconoME’s guidance, Irvin pursued the ENERGY STAR certification in order to be exempt from Phase II of EBEWE, which requires an ASHRAE Level 2 Audit and Retro-Commissioning.

To learn more about EBEWE, exemptions, or other city/state Energy Disclosure Laws visit Our Services.

To learn more about ENERGY STAR Certification click here.

Or feel free to contact us: [email protected] or 818-681-5750.

If you own and/or operate an older building, existing inefficient equipment or a lack of new-age, sustainable solutions may be unnecessarily driving up operational costs. Here are the 6 ways to make sure you’re saving money and not throwing it out the window.

1. Get Rid Of Those Fluorescent Lights

Replace all fluorescent lights with LEDs, including all parking lot lighting. Installing LEDssave up to 20% – 30% on annual operating costs.

Lighting Retrofit Case Study

2. Install Solar Already

In addition to providing a long term energy cost reduction, you’ll also utilize the available tax benefits:

  • 26% Federal Business Energy ITC (dropping to 22% in 2021 and 10% thereafter),
  • The State of CA (MACRS) accelerated depreciation, and
  • Recently added, the 100% bonus Federal tax depreciation allows eligible entities to deduct the entire allowable tax basis of the system in the first year of operation.

Taking advantage of these tax incentives reduce the owner’s tax liability and will significantly offset the cost of a Solar PV system.  These incentives can also be applied to a roof replacement if combined into one project.

Solar PVs Case Study

3. Stop Cooling An Empty Room

Replace pneumatic thermostats with digital for higher-level control and visibility. Digital thermostats allow building owners to reduce peak demand by creating schedules around when spaces are unoccupied (holidays, non-peak hours, etc.).

Thermostat Retrofit Case Study

4. Be Smarter Than The Building

An energy management system (EMS) provides real-time monitoring, energy analytics, and wireless building control. The ability to measure a building’s energy usage on a granular level allows for better management of energy consumption and “peak demand.” An EMS provides extensive energy data history, peak load notifications, detailed usage reports, and more.

Energy Management System Case Study

5. Shield Your Internal Environment

Solar window film is applied to the interior of a window in order to control solar heat absorption. The film rejects up to 79% of solar energy and 99% of harmful UV rays.  Further, the film helps reduce glare, adding to a more comfortable office environment.

Solar Window Films Case Study

6. Protect Your Expensive Equipment

EvaporCool is a dual patented technology that pre-cools outdoor air prior to flowing through the condenser coils of an HVAC system. The pre-cooled air helps reduce the amount of work that the compressor must do to cool the air flowing inside a building. By minimizing the amount of work the compressor must do, the EvaporCool system prolongs the life of HVAC units, reduces energy usage up to 30%, and saves a significant amount in energy-related costs.

Evaporcool Case Study

Before getting started with any of these cost-saving options, we suggest having your building Benchmarked.
If you’d like to learn more about any of these cost-saving options, reach out to us at [email protected] or (818) 681-5750.

Did you implement Energy Efficiency measures in your building during 2018 or prior? You may be eligible for a tax deduction and/or credit.

As of December 19, 2019 the Senate has approved the 2019 Tax Extender Bill, which extends the 179D deduction and the 45L tax credit. This  allows for the adjustment of 2018 tax returns to include qualified energy-efficiency projects from that year.

The deadline to amend 2018 tax returns is December 31, 2020. Projects from earlier than 2018 may still qualify if you have not taken advantage of available incentives. Ask Green EconoMe how you can maximize this benefit.

What is Section 179D Tax Deduction

179D was created in 2005 under the Energy Policy Act (EPACT), allowing a tax deduction from $0.30 to $1.80 per square foot for the installation of energy efficiency systems in the commercial space.

Building owners are not the only beneficiaries of this tax deduction. Tenants may also be eligible if they take on construction spending. However, deductions can only be recognized for the year that efficiency measures are up and running.

What is Section 45L Tax Credit

45L was created in 2005, providing $2,000 per dwelling unit that consumes less energy than national standards. This credit is meant for low-rise apartment developers with buildings 3 stories or fewer. Buildings 4 stories or more may qualify for the 179D deduction detailed above. The 45L credit can be applied to new construction or the refurbishment of existing units. Like with 179D, in order to be recognized for the tax credit, the new or refurbished unit must be leased or sold within the year that tax return is filed.


Does my Building Qualify for Tax Deduction or Tax Credit?

Green EconoME is a woman-owned, multi-disciplinary energy consulting and construction firm providing full-scale energy efficiency services to diverse public and private sector clients. Not only are we led by a former CFO who seeks all incentives available for each project, our ROI data is also 98% accurate. Contact us to see if any of your projects are eligible for these extensions!

[email protected] or (818) 681-5750

Energy Benchmarking measures and reports the energy performance of a given building, ensuring compliance with local and state laws.  It also allows for performance comparisons to other benchmarked buildings of a similar size, occupancy and climate.


Benchmarking via the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager software is required by both city and state-wide legislature. Cities such as, Los Angeles (EBEWE), San Francisco, and Berkeley have all enacted ordinances requiring commercial and multi-family buildings to conduct an energy audit and report their annual energy usage. Most recently, the State of California has renewed a new energy disclosure law, AB 802, formerly known as AB 1103, requiring annual energy disclosure.


Research shows that commercial buildings waste 30% of their energy. Building energy benchmarking empowers its owners by revealing crucial energy use data, pinpointing areas of potential efficiency improvement and cost savings. Such transparency allows owners to remain competitive and to take specific action to increase the longevity of building systems.

Owners who have benchmarked their buildings are more inclined to focus on energy efficiency and have consistently reduced their energy use by an average of 2.4% per year.


Benchmarking is available for 21 different types of facilities and produces an Energy Star Score between 1 and 100, with 100 being the most energy efficiency. The process also calculates the Site and Source Energy Use Intensity (EUI) of the building and compares it against the National Median of CBECS data*. When comparing these scores against similar building types/uses in the software, building owners begin to understand how this performance stands in regards to energy and water efficiency. Owners can take specific steps to mitigate energy shortfalls and improve efficiency, resulting in a higher net operating income.

*  Also known as Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey using 2012 survey data.


In addition to supplying current snapshots of a building’s energy use, energy benchmarking yields data on past use as well, giving light to patterns of use over time.

Such a window grants owners the viewpoint to make smarter decisions about energy efficiency solutions and energy management and to optimize capital investments into energy-efficient technologies going forward.

Consistent energy benchmarking provides valuable insight as to the building’s performance over time which provides data for decision-making.


Getting started with benchmarking can often be the biggest hurdle.

Contact Green EconoME to begin the benchmarking process, or to find out more. We have benchmarked over 1400 buildings.