Who knew when I started Green Econome in 2009 that my previous 30 years in accounting and finance would help building owners understand the opportunities provided by tax benefits in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law by President Biden in late 2022?

This significant package is heavily focused on how commercial real estate owners can invest in their properties to reduce operating costs and emissions by taking advantage of tax deductions and credits. Providing cash flow to owners, some of these benefits can be transferred to others, and non-profits can receive cash tax payments to help pay for these projects.

Let’s break down one of my favorites: Section 179D

This is a tax deduction. For those still learning about financing, a tax deduction is a reduction to the property’s income before tax liabilities are calculated. So, any of these deductions should be considered against the owner’s tax rate.

Section 179D has been around for many years and there is an opportunity to take the original deduction for 2020, 2021, and 2022. The new version, I call “IRA Section 179D” is effective with projects going into service after 1/1/2023.

When I started to research this deduction to help our clients increase their cash flow for these projects, it wasn’t clear that there were two specific periods to be considered for this deduction. The initial period is effective from 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2026. Beginning 1/1/2027, we have a new version (which is not as beneficial).

How is 179D calculated for your new construction or large retrofit project?

It all starts with an energy model. What is this? Well, it is a virtual design of your building. For the initial period, the energy model is a design of the property with the mechanical standards established by ASHRAE 90.1 2007. Note 2007! If you have a building that you are retrofitting in California to Title 24 2022, you are already way more efficient. LEED certification requires buildings to meet ASHRAE 90.1 2010 standards, so again, 2007 is much less efficient.

Next, the energy model is designed to the current material and efficiency standards the building is being built to or retrofit. The driver for this deduction is the “efficiency gain,” which is the difference between the energy used at the ASHRAE 901. 2007 standard vs. the current building code standard. For those projects requiring prevailing rates, the deduction is 5 times higher, which means it can be very significant.

The calculation is the sq. footage of the property multiplied by the corresponding rate based on the efficiency gain. This value is then multiplied by the owner’s tax rate... and there you have it: the anticipated tax deduction! The larger the property, the higher the deduction, but I believe smaller buildings may benefit based on the level of improvements planned.

Efficiency projects built together, pay together

When claiming the 179D tax deduction, it is most beneficial to have completed all the projects together in the same year. Going a step further, there is a tax "sweet spot", where a project can receive the prevailing wage rates adjusted for inflation when a construction or retrofit project started before 1/1/2023, was worked on continuously, and completed after 1/1/2023. We are seeing $5.66 x the square footage on these projects, which makes them very valuable!

Green Econome is a woman-owned, full-service energy and water efficiency project construction and consulting company with over 20 years of combined experience. We can help explain these complex tax benefits and match you with a 179D specialist. Furthermore, we can recommend solutions that will increase the NOI of your property and increase market value. Get the ball rolling and reach out to Green Econome’s founder and CEO, Marika Erdely.



I love a good federal tax credit since it is a reduction of the tax liability of the owner. Essentially, this is pure cash flow to the owner of the property. What could be better? I have two favorites improved by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credits (ITC) for Solar and Battery Storage, and a new 45L for residential construction and major renovations.

Federal Investment Tax Credits (ITC) for Solar and Battery Storage

While there is a suite of tax credits under the ITC for residential, businesses, and manufacturers, Let’s focus on the ITC for businesses. The investment tax credit (ITC) is a federal tax credit that reduces the federal income tax liability for a percentage of the cost of a solar or storage system that is installed during the tax year. Before the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, this incentive was 26%, but with the help of the IRA, it is back up to 30% of the project cost until 2033. (U.S. Department of Energy).

There are two bonus tax credits at 10% a pop if they are attainable.

  • Energy Community Bonus: An energy community is an area identified as a brownfield site and/or locations experiencing high unemployment and fossil fuel investment. Looking at the DOE Energy Community map, most of Los Angeles County is currently designated as an energy community. Unfortunately, this is a temporary map and we in the industry aren’t exactly sure when the map is to be reset and areas may drop off.
  • Domestic Content Bonus: This bonus requires a percentage (starting at 40%) of project materials (by cost) to be produced in the U.S. It is difficult to attain the second additional 10% solar tax credit. I’m told businesses are hard at work on this, making domestic materials readily available. Hooray for U.S. manufacturing!

These projects also benefit from Federal MACRS Bonus Depreciation and State Depreciation (which is, again, a tax deduction—reducing the income of the property for tax purposes).

By the Numbers: Cash Flow for Solar and Battery Storage Projects

Let’s examine some examples of tax savings when installing a solar PV system or an energy storage system. Many people aren’t aware of just how much these tax incentives can help to cover the cost of the project. The numbers speak for themselves.

Energy Storage System (90kW/220kWh)

Gross System Cost  $ 318,244.00
IRA ITC (30% + 10% Energy Community)  $ (127,298.00) -40%
SCE SGIP Rebate Program to Owner  $ (55,750.00) -18%
Federal MACRS Bonus Depreciation  $ (53,465.00) -17%
State (CA) MACRS Depreciation  $ (31,824.00) -10%
Net Project Cost to Owner  $ 49,907.00 -84%
Estimated Electricity Savings (Year 1)  $ 20,939.00  
Estimated Total Net Savings (15 Years)  $ 260,574.00
Payback Period 3.1 Years

Solar PV System (29.4 kW-DC)

Gross System Cost  $ 110,344.00
IRA ITC (30% + 10% Energy Community)  $ (44,137.00) -40%
Federal MACRS Bonus Depreciation  $ (27,807.00) -25%
State (CA) MACRS Depreciation  $ (8,828.00) -8%
Net Project Cost to Owner  $ 29,572.00 -73%
Estimated Annual Electricity Savings (Year 1)  $ 9,700.00
Estimated Total Net Savings (25 Years)  $ 419,117.00
Payback Period  3.8 Years

Tax Benefits Can Cover Over 80% of the Project Cost

The tables above illustrate how HUGE these tax incentives are. In just over 3 years, the entire cost of the energy storage system will have paid itself back. The battery can offset peak kW demand costs in high Time-of-Use (TOU) rates. Looking at the numbers, these energy efficiency projects are a no-brainer.

Green Econome Project Consulting, Construction & Incentive Management Services Have You Covered

Green Econome is here to guide you through the decision-making process and provide you with maximum energy and tax savings! We are a woman-owned, full-service energy and water efficiency construction and consulting company with over 20 years of combined experience. If you have a building for which you are considering solar and battery storage and would like a no-obligation quote, please contact CEO, Marika Erdely.


What is the 45L Tax Credit?

The Inflation Reduction Act amended Section 45L, a tax credit to incentivize the new development or major renovation of energy-efficient residential properties for lease or sale. The new Section 45L provisions include two tiers of credits for eligible buildings and units certified to applicable ENERGY STAR® residential and U.S. Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) program requirements. The updated Section 45L is extended to qualified residential properties acquired from January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2032. The tax credit's value per dwelling unit varies, reaching a maximum of $5,000, based on factors including the home type, number of stories, and compliance with energy efficiency requirements.

This residential construction tax credit is fantastic if you are already constructing or retrofitting at high efficiency and want to recognize your residential project as ENERGY STAR® or ZERH certified right off the bat.

Qualifying for the Section 45L Tax Credit

Here are the basic eligibility requirements for homes acquired and/or completed after December 31, 2022, and located in the U.S., wanting to claim Section 45L (as found on the Department of Energy and IRS websites). It is important to note that there are differences in terms for single-family vs. multi-family homes. Please contact Green Econome for detailed information. This is a basic outline:

Single Family Homes

  1. Certified under the applicable ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Homes (National} Program Requirements.
  2. Certified under the most recent ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Homes Program Requirements applicable to the location of such dwelling unit (as in effect on the latter of January 1, 2023, or January 1 of two calendar years prior to the date the dwelling unit was acquired), or
  3. Certified under the most recent ENERGY STAR Manufactured Home National program requirements as in effect on the latter of January 1, 2023, or January 1 of two calendar years prior to the date such dwelling unit is acquired.

Multi-Family Homes

  1. Certified under the most recent ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction National Program Requirements (as in effect on either January 1, 2023, or January 1 of three calendar years prior to the date the dwelling was acquired, whichever is later), and
  2. Certified under the most recent ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Regional Program Requirements applicable to its location. (as in effect on either January 1, 2023, or January 1 of three calendar years prior to the date the dwelling was acquired, whichever is later).

All Eligible Dwelling Units

Must be certified as a zero-energy ready home under the Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) program of the Department of Energy as in effect on January 1, 2023 (or any successor program determined by the Secretary).

What are the Additional Benefits to the 45L Amended by the Inflation Reduction Act?

  • Increased credits: for homes acquired between 2023-2032.
  • Prevailing wage kicker: tax credit is higher for multifamily projects that meet the prevailing wage requirements.
  • Double the savings! 45L tax credit can also be utilized with the IRA’s Section 179D for buildings over 4 stories.

Green Econome Helps Maximize Savings on your Multifamily Projects

While Green Econome is not a tax professional, we work with vetted partners and offer incentive and financing management, as well as project construction and building certifications for multifamily properties. We are a woman-owned, full-service energy and water efficiency construction and consulting company, with over 20 years of combined experience. Tax credits can be complicated, don’t miss out on crucial savings and upgrading your building’s energy efficiency! Contact our founder and CEO Marika Erdely for a consultation.



We talk to many building owners and property managers asking what happens if they do not comply with the Phase II Audit/Retro-commissioning (A/RCx) stage of the City of Los Angeles Existing Buildings Energy & Water Efficiency Program (EBEWE) Ordinance. You can read about the fines and penalties for non-compliance here. But, we want people to understand that energy and water exemptions can be met to avoid the cost, time, and labor of ASHRAE Level II audits and retro-commissioning reports. It’s easy to miss the fine print on the notices sent by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS).

"You may be exempt from performing an A/RCx for energy and/or water if your building falls under the specific exemptions provided in Division 97 of the LAMC. To be considered for an exemption, a request and supporting justification must be submitted by a California licensed engineer or architect to LADBS.”

How to Know if You Qualify for an EBEWE Exemption

We prioritize these least-cost options to save money and provide value to each of our EBEWE clients. After we complete the benchmarking of a building, we deliver a custom progress and goals report which, using the metrics from ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®,  illustrates the building’s benchmarked energy and water efficiency performance. The report then outlines all EBEWE Phase II compliance options based on the previous 5-years performance of that building. Surprisingly, often buildings can meet at least one or both energy and water exemptions. The table below shows the Phase II compliance schedule and comparative periods used to determine exemptions.

EBEWE Phase II compliance deadlines

* The initial compliance due dates for Building IDs ending with 0-3 were impacted by the COVID emergency order tolling of deadlines and are now subject to the reissue due date of September 7, 2023.

Why do EBEWE A/RCx Exemptions Matter?

The cost of meeting an exemption can be up to 65% less than receiving an ASHRAE Level II energy and or water audit and RCx report. Additionally, if you’re meeting an exemption you have a high-performing building, which is contributing to the city’s goal to reduce carbon emissions, and you operate an efficient building, congratulations. If you are eligible, you can also gain ENERGY STAR Certification which can help with the lease rate and marketing of your property.

What do I Have to do to Submit an EBEWE A/RCx Exemption?

Hire Green Econome of course! Whether our team completes it for you or not, here are the basics:

  • The building must be accurately benchmarked with no estimated data. LADBS requires a CA Professional Engineer or Licensed Architect to validate the results.
  • Once the exemption is met (reduction verification, ENERGY STAR Certification, etc) a declaration of exemption must be signed by the Licensed Professional and submitted through the LADBS online portal.
  • Compliance must be met every 5 years, with benchmarking required every year. Since that data is required, it’s best to always stay current on your energy and water benchmarking disclosure compliance.

Of course, you can pay for an audit that someone else tells you is required without considering these exemptions. Not all Service Providers ever mention these exemptions, because their entire approach is to sell you into an audit.

Since the tolling of EBEWE deadlines has been lifted, and the due date is now September 7, 2023, it is time to get moving. Depending on the exemption, it can take 6-8 weeks to complete, so have your building benchmarked if it hasn’t been brought up to compliance and see if it can meet any exemptions.

JUST ANNOUNCED: LADBS will be accepting 2023 ENERGY STAR Certifications for Building IDs 0-3 who need to comply by September 7th.  This is a huge win that Green Econome advocated for. It allows building owners who may not meet a reduction target but are eligible for Certification to still gain that recognition and exemption, where their only other option would have been an A/RCx report. Thank you Los Angeles!

Contact us at 424-422-9696 or [email protected] to see if your building can meet any exemptions.

Marika Erdely Headshot

Marika Erdely is the founder and CEO of Green EconoME. Before founding the company, she was CFO/VP at New Millennium Homes, a major home builder, and land developer, bringing with her nearly thirty years as an accounting professional. Marika has her Contractors License B & C-10 and is a LEED AP BD+C, Certified Energy Auditor, and Fitwel Ambassador. Marika holds an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BA in Business Economics from UCSB.

Lots of property owners and managers have received a Notice to Comply with Audits and Retro-Commissioning requirements of the Los Angeles Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency (EBEWE) Program. Many property owners and managers properly comply, but many do not. What happens if you don’t comply?

LADBS has provided comprehensive EBEWE Audits & Retro-Commissioning FAQs. Penalties are outlined in item 17, page 9:

17. What are the penalties if we don’t comply?

SEC. 91.9712 of the EBEWE ordinance puts the non-compliance fee at $202. This fee may be subject to Late fees, Collection fees and interest as defined in LAMC SEC. 98.0411. “Pursuant to L.A.M.C. Section 98.0411 (c), if this invoice is NOT PAID within 30 days of the date of the invoice, an additional 250% late charge/collection fee will be imposed and assignment to a collection agency may be made. After 60 DAYS of NO PAYMENT, interest will accrue at the rate of 12% annually (compounded monthly or portion of a month) until this invoice and any additional charges that have accrued since this invoice was issued have been paid.” Please note that payment of the non-compliance fee does not result in Compliance. The building will remain out of compliance with the City of Los Angeles and, as with any Los Angeles Municipal Code violation, will be subject to further legal action. Additionally, the status of each building (Complied or Not Complied) is posted publicly and, in the future, may be recorded on the property as an open violation.

The Case for Submitting Your EBEWE A/RCx Requirement

Yes, the fine is minimal at $202, but I find it interesting that it notes that the building will remain out of compliance with the City of Los Angeles and, as with any Los Angeles Municipal Code violation, will be subject to further legal action.

Hmm, I wonder with our new Mayor, what this will ultimately mean to those unwilling to be accountable to this Ordinance?

As a reminder, benchmarking a building is similar to determining the financial condition of your property. If it is scoring on the lower half of the ENERGY STAR® scoring of 1 to 100 (with 100 being the best), it shows that the building is energy and water inefficient, which ultimately means someone, you or your tenant(s) are spending too much on costs to operate the building. Of course, inefficient buildings create carbon which isn’t good for our atmosphere, which is the entire point of the EBEWE Ordinance.

But, besides all of that, why wouldn’t you want to understand how your property is performing so you can improve its NOI? It just makes financial sense. Contact us for pricing, or to get started with your EBEWE compliance.

About Green Econome

Green Econome is a woman-owned, small business providing energy and water efficiency compliance, consulting, and construction services for commercial real estate. Our Los Angeles-based team of licensed and credentialed professionals takes an integrated approach to finding efficiency solutions that positively affect market valuations, reduce environmental impact, meet ESG and sustainability goals, and ensure regulatory compliance.

Marika Erdely Headshot

Marika Erdely is the founder and CEO of Green EconoME. Before founding the company, she was CFO/VP at New Millennium Homes, a major home builder, and land developer, bringing with her nearly thirty years as an accounting professional. Marika has her Contractors License B & C-10 and is a LEED AP BD+C, Certified Energy Auditor, and Fitwel Ambassador. Marika holds an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BA in Business Economics from UCSB.

The latest focus in sustainable commercial real estate is on “Environmental, Social, and Governance,” also known as ESG. ESG has received attention from regulators and investors, and, according to a recent report from Deloitte,  “sustainability has become a strategic imperative across industries”. Real estate professionals need to begin focusing on how ESG can impact portfolios and policy. Let's identify:

  1. What is ESG and how will it affect commercial real estate?
  2. How will the Inflation Reduction Act benefit my real estate portfolio?

Here is a simple table identifying some of the elements of ESG:

Setting the Standard: The SEC Proposed Ruling

Soon, public companies will need to report on the three ESG categories, also known as an ESG Strategy, to their investors. The SEC’s proposed Rule on Climate Disclosure gives companies a roadmap for ESG reporting and requires disclosures related to climate-related risks that could have an impact on their businesses, whether it’s their day-to-day operations or a financial impact on their real estate assets.

The SEC proposed reporting will be part of the public corporation's quarterly and annual disclosures and will detail the company’s carbon footprint and include reporting on greenhouse gas emissions from real estate and the climate-related risks to those assets. At NAREIT’s ESG conference I attended this fall, several panelists suggested that insurance companies and banking institutions will be considering climate disclosures in their financial metrics. Additionally, it was mentioned that investors from the European Union would also be looking at ESG disclosures when considering investments in the U.S. Most public companies have been focusing on their ESG strategies, and the process of gathering data for this year’s ESG disclosures is already underway.

Privately-Held Companies and Building Owners Can Benefit

What about private companies, and the private commercial real estate owners that lease to space public companies? Private owners should also focus on having an energy-efficient property and should not ignore the trend toward ESG.

The “E” in the ESG framework stands for “environmental,” which refers in part, to real estate and the efficiency of buildings. All buildings emit carbon emissions, and these emissions (in the forms of kWh and therms) can be broken down into three kinds: Scopes 1, 2, and 3.

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions that stem from sources that are owned, or controlled by the organization, such as company vehicles and the fuel they burn, process emissions from industrial activities, leaks from refrigeration, etc.
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions that arise from the generation of purchased electricity, heating, cooling, and steam (Any utility bill creates emissions such as electricity or gas used by the building)
  • Scope 3: Other indirect emissions that are directly from the supply chain of goods and services that the public company purchases. (This is the largest scope and most complicated coming from the organization’s operations, purchasing and selling goods, such as leased assets, business travel, and employee commuting)

Initially, Scope 1 and 2 emissions will be required to be disclosed by the SEC. However, public companies will soon be mandated to report Scope 3 emissions as well.

Mandated reporting means that if you have a tenant in one of your buildings that is providing products to a public company, the tenant will soon have to be reporting on their building’s emissions and activities. There will then be an effort to reduce those emissions, even if your building is not operated by a public company.

How Do You Measure Your Property’s Emissions?

As with anything new, standards and protocols are being established, along with a host of innovative technologies to harness data. As a trusted platform, Green Econome utilizes ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager, which gives owners data that can be used to calculate the property’s total emissions. The EPA is actively developing the platform further, to better meet the demands of GHG accounting and scope emissions reporting.

Green Econome takes a systematic approach to ESG, along with a team of advisors, we measure, identify opportunities, implement, and analyze results to ensure you are on target to achieve your environmental goals. If building certification is part of your strategy, we can fulfill those as well.

Inflation Reduction Act: Tax Strategies and Incentives for Property Owners

There’s good news! There are many financial benefits from the new Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) to commercial property owners and developers.

Personally, I like the investment tax credit (ITC) known as the federal solar tax credit and the fact that it is now back up from 26% to 30% of the total project cost through 2033. Currently, our solar pv projects are benefiting from 58% of the project cost being covered by this tax credit and federal and state depreciation deductions.

Section 179 (a tax deduction) of the IRA provides owners with a dollar amount per square foot if the commercial or residential building meets a certain efficiency standard. Owners can earn $5 per sq. ft. for new construction or retrofitting a building, depending on its resulting energy efficiency. It is a laddered benefit ranging from $2.50 sq. ft. for a 25% reduction in energy usage up to a maximum of $5.00 sq. ft. for 50% or more.

For multifamily landlords, Section 45L (a tax credit) allows up to $5,000 per unit (single-family or apartment) if the building meets certain energy efficiency criteria.

What's In It For Commercial Real Estate?

Energy-efficient buildings will be worth more and will be more attractive for public companies concerned about emissions. Soon, everyone will be thinking about ENERGY STAR Benchmarking —a viable tool to produce data for reporting on your building’s performance.

ENERGY STAR Benchmarking is already widely used for energy and water disclosure laws across the county (and Canada). You can view IMT's national map of programs currently in place.

As an expert in reducing commercial property emissions, I anticipate a big push to move real estate into the world of ESG reporting, which goes a long way toward environmental sustainability. Once the SEC finalizes its ruling, all public companies will be required to focus on the “E” on their buildings like never before. Additionally, I believe that when companies also consider the “S” for Social and “G” for Governance, they will ultimately be better stewards of the planet.

If you need an expert to understand your building’s energy or water efficiency and emissions, please reach out to me at [email protected]. At Green Econome, a team of professionals is ready to help you meet your ESG requirements, save operating costs, and increase the value of your property.

Marika Erdely Headshot

Marika Erdely, MBA, LEED AP+C, Certified Energy Auditor, Fitwel Ambassador
[email protected]
(818) 681-5750

Marika is an expert in energy and water efficiency and is the Founder and CEO of Green Econome, an energy consulting and construction company located in Santa Monica, CA. Marika has over 30 years of professional financial experience and approaches sustainability through an economic lens.

Sunworks Solar Power: Surge of new solar projects predicted, following the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act

The energy sector, among many others, has been preparing for the transition to clean energy for a while now. While strides have been made, the roadmap has been less than straight. The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) steadies the wheel and gives consumers clear direction. So, how do we get to cleaner energy? The following blog from our friends at Sunworks Solar Power succinctly explains what the IRA includes, and how organizations of all shapes and sizes can access new incentives and choices to achieve the highest return from solar, storage, and electrification projects.

Sunworks Solar Power (2022, September 23). Surge of new solar projects predicted, following the passage of the IRA – Sunworks. Sunworksusa. https://sunworksusa.com/surge-of-new-solar-projects-predicted-following-the-passage-of-the-ira/

I have been receiving many phone calls asking this same question since the City of Los Angeles sent notices to building owners on June 1, 2022. The notices were sent to owners whose properties are over the 20,000 sq. ft. threshold and were tagged to comply with the City’s Existing Buildings Energy and Water Efficiency (EBEWE) Program. Within this threshold, the notice was sent to those required to comply with Phase II of the Ordinance and have an LA City Building ID ending in either a 2 or a 3. These properties have a Phase II compliance due date of December 1, 2022.


What is an Audit and Retro-commissioning (A/RCx) Report?

This is the second year of compliance for the City’s EBEWE Phase II which is required every five years after the initial compliance year.

Audits and Retro-commissioning (A/RCX) for both energy and water are required including performing the evaluations and generating the subsequent ASHRAE Level II reports. All work for Phase II must be done under the direct supervision of a California licensed engineer or architect as specified in Division 97 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC).

The audit reports must include recommendations to improve the energy and water usage efficiency and a cost-benefit analysis for retrofitting the properties.

Do I Have Options?

Yes! Little does everyone know, although it is noted in item 2. of the notice, that a property may be exempted from performing the A/RCx.

There are in fact energy and water exemptions that can be met to avoid a costly ASHRAE Level II audit. Contact us to learn more. Stay tuned for Blog 2

Marika Erdely Headshot

Marika Erdely is the founder and CEO of Green EconoME. Before founding the company, she was CFO/VP at New Millennium Homes, a major home builder, and land developer, bringing with her nearly thirty years as an accounting professional. Marika has her Contractors License B & C-10 and is a LEED AP BD+C, Certified Energy Auditor, and Fitwel Ambassador. Marika holds an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BA in Business Economics from UCSB.

At Green EconoME we are passionate about saving building owners and operators energy, on their energy costs and maximizing their capital investments. That’s why we cringe when people tell us they finished a project and didn’t take advantage of any of the many available utility incentives. Right now, utility incentives and tax benefits for energy efficiency and clean energy generation are the vehicle that governments are using to mobilize clean energy goals. What motivates you to make improvements to your commercial real estate is yours. What matters to us is that we each benefit from the actions we take, and that those actions hold long term value.

Utility Incentives 101

Utility incentives are financial and sometimes technical support available to specified projects or equipment. They can be offered by the utility directly, a program administrator, or are publicly administered programs. This year, there has been a shift toward centralizing some incentives and programs to be available across California, rather than at the regional utility level. This shift marks California’s response to clean energy mandates and helps distribute funds equitably to all utility customers. It creates a bigger funnel for end-user incentives and rebates to assist with efficiency, renewables, resilience, EV infrastructure, and building decarbonization. Confused? Call us.

Our Top Three California Energy Saving Incentives

Aside from not knowing about available incentives, another barrier simply is that there are so many options, decision-making can be difficult. Here are some key programs that, from our experience to date, are easy to manage, pay well, and have a stable stream of funding:

  • LADWP Commercial Lighting Incentive Program (CLIP)This is offered through LADWP directly to its qualifying business customers. CLIP is for lighting retrofit projects where the building has an annual average monthly electrical demand (kW) above 200 kilowatts. Every efficiency project Green EconoME has completed has included LED lighting retrofits. We leverage this incentive where we can, and consistently see on average 30% savings on the total project cost.
  • SoCalREN Multifamily Program (SCR)The County of Los Angeles administers the Southern California Regional Energy Network (SoCalREN) programs. The SoCalREN offers financial assistance to public agencies and multifamily residential property owners for energy efficiency retrofits impacting both electric and gas use. Green EconoME has served as a consultant and contractor on several SCR multifamily retrofit projects over the past 2 years. See our Case Studies for results. We have seen energy savings exceed program requirements, and have been awarded further program credits.
  • California Energy Design Assistance (CEDA) ProgramCalifornia Energy Design Assistance provides complimentary energy design assistance and financial incentives for commercial, public, industrial, agriculture, and high-rise multifamily new construction projects, or major alterations that are in their early design phases. The goal of the program is for buildings to be designed efficiently from the start, thereby realizing lifelong savings and less environmental impact. CEDA helps the design team identify the most energy efficient strategies through custom energy modeling, then helps the owner implement those measures through incentives to reduce cost. CEDA, along with LADWP’s Zero By Design (ZBD) understands that every team is different and allows room for the professionals you bring to the project to complete some or all of the work, as long as it meets set criteria. 

Tax Benefits 

A powerful 1-2 punch is combining utility incentives with tax deductions like Section 179D, and the CARES Act Qualified Improvement Property (QIP), which allows for accelerated depreciation, while the solar tax credit (ITC) is a full credit off the owner’s tax liability. A clean energy future, regardless of how we feel about it, is the direction California is already moving. Local, state, and federal policy around clean grid infrastructure and lowering carbon emissions can strain property owners, which is why these robust incentives are available, being widely funded, and introduced at a rapid pace. Green EconoME has been helping clients navigate and manage available incentives for their projects, ensuring the richest paybacks possible. Schedule a meeting to discuss your current or future projects.

Green EconoME is a full-service provider. Our team of multidisciplinary, qualified professionals can fulfill your 1-5-10 and are versed in the latest incentive programs and financing options. It is what our integrated approach is based on. Whether your goal is to simply comply or to fulfill ESG strategies, Green EconoME analyzes energy use, and existing conditions to provide solutions that reduce operating costs, and increase the value of your property. Contact us with questions or for pricing. Chula Vista, we are so excited for the health and future of your community, congratulations! We can’t wait to get started.

Discover the opportunity for Commercial Real Estate in corporate accountability.

ESG, or Environmental, Social, and Governance is a set of standards used to evaluate an organization or community’s commitment to sustainable (Environmental), ethical (Social) practices, and outlines how those goals will be measured and achieved (Governance). Driven in large part by the boom of ESG or sustainable investing, it is important to look at the wider implications this has, specifically for commercial real estate.

You don’t have to be courting investors, or publicly traded to implement ESG strategies. The bottom line is this is the direction the world is moving. From our perspective, here are four important reasons to consider real estate ESG:


  • Altruism and profitability are not mutually exclusive
    Operating a more environmentally friendly and equitable company/building reduces waste, cuts cost, and increases efficiency, according to 2019 McKinsey & Company Research. As an energy efficiency consulting and construction firm, this is top of the list for Green EconoME when it comes to reasons to invest in ESG.
  • Attract top talent & tenants
    Unless you plan to go the way of the dinosaur, formalizing your corporate values and commitments and applying them to your assets will keep you competitive. Make no mistake, prioritizing ESG is a choice, just like the one your prospective tenant, lender, future employee, or buyer will make when considering you and your properties.
  • Plan ahead: policy and the role of ESG
    Globally and locally, regulation is expanding to meet science-based goals for climate action and social responsibility. While ESG or related benchmark reporting isn’t yet mandatory, just like ENERGY STAR(r) benchmarking, ESG data is becoming a leading performance indicator for real estate, and inevitably will become a standardized source of data for government-based carbon reduction targets or other asset assessments.
  • Data in, reporting easy
    The modalities and data collected for ESG measurement are being integrated into risk assessment, financial reporting, and other annual real estate-related requirements. ESG is proving to be a reliable source for centralized data collection that serves the purpose of many. Think of the ways this can increase the efficiency of your organization.

As much as ESG is seen as a trend, it is so because it is at the tipping point of a new paradigm defining this generation and generations to come. It is a framework to approach this decade of action that we are in. The space between energy efficiency, the main business model for Green EconoME, sustainability, and carbon reduction is growing closer, rapidly. Accounting for the impact of your business on its community and the value of who makes it hum is not only responsibility, it's economic success. If you are ready to start your ESG journey, or if you have more questions about ESG, please reach out to Green EconoME.